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Environmental Studies

Environmental Studies


Welcome to the SMC Library's guide on resources on Environmental Studies!   If you need library assistance, please use our Ask-a-Librarian service.

Related Research Guides: 

Primary SMC Academic Departments: Earth SciencesLife SciencesPhysical Sciences 

See the SMC Multi/Interdisciplinary Programs page. Areas of interest include People and Society, Interdepartmental Studies, Global Studies, Liberal Arts.

"The Environmental Studies Program is an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary course of study that presents a broad overview of ecological issues from a variety of perspectives. The coursework examines the interplay between natural and social systems and the ideological foundations of humankind's attitudes and behaviors with respect to their ever-changing environments. This program is designed to prepare students to research, analyze, and propose solutions to the myriad environmental challenges facing the world today."

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