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Santa Monica History

Resources to Guide Research on local Santa Monica City History and Santa Monica College History.

MLA Workshops

Sample MLA citations

When writing a research paper, you will be expected to cite your sources, i.e., give these authors credit when you use their materials. The works cited come at the end of your paper, and are usually arranged by the author’s last name in a single alphabetical list.

MLA Basic Rules

MLA 8th edition

Alphabetically arrange all entries by Author's/Editor's last name.

Authors - Anonymous - if no author given - arrange by title.

Authors - Two or more - reverse only first author's name.

Authors - Three or more - Name only the First Author Followed by et al.

Editor - same as authors, editor.

Capitalize the First Letter of Each of the Principal Words.

Do not use bold font.


Hanging Indent - only the first line of each citation begins at the margin, all subsequent lines within a citation must be indented.

Italics -  Titles of Books 

Italics - Name of parent Website or Source such as Name of Journal or Magazine or Newspaper.

Double space every line. No extra spaces between citations. 

"Quotation Marks." - Title of Article or Chapter in a Book.

Citing Journal Articles
Author - Last Name, First Name.
"Title of the Article." - "Quotation marks"
Name/Title of the Journal - italics - container
Volume Number
Issue Number
Date of Publication
Page numbers
Title/Name of the database italicized - container
DOI or URL as provided by database.
Date of access at the end of your citation.
Citing Magazine or News Articles

DO NOT INCLUDE - Volume Number
DO NOT INCLUDE - Issue Number

Citing Two Authors  -                        Sowell, Thomas, and Paul Smith.
Citing Three or more Authors -       Sowell, Thomas, et al.